Jamie Willacy

Jamie Willacy CSTDB, CSSW, AIMMM

Co-Founder/Partner, Surveyor

Jamie has over 30 years of experience in the industry and passed his first industry qualification in 1989 at the age of 21. Jamie has gone on to become fully qualified in all aspects of the industry.

He is a fully qualified damp, timber and structural waterproofing surveyor and is also an Associate of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, which was formerly the Institute of Wood Science, CSTDB, CSSW, and AIMMM. He is BPEC certified to design and test domestic ventilation systems and has been accredited by the School of Waterproofing.

Jamie sits on the PCA Residential Ventilation Group Committee, actively promoting education and compliance in the domestic ventilation sector.

Jamie’s particular area of expertise is basement and structural Waterproofing. He has designed waterproofing systems and supervised contracts for clients all over the country, from existing and new-build basements, to the protection of concrete structures above ground. There has even been the odd green roof involved.

Outside work, Jamie enjoys travelling and spending time with his family. He likes to pretend he’s quite good at poker and has recently started to make his own wine; a combination which might not go to plan…

Jamie’s email address: jamie@rtcgroup.co.uk.

For any queries on our services, or to book a survey, please contact us.

Our staff will work closely with you from survey stage, right through to the successful completion of the contract.