Woodworm treatment Preston
We offer a thorough survey which can identify or diagnose woodworm problems in your property. We can then provide the best course of action for the woodworm treatment.
If you suspect your property has a woodworm problem, and you live in or around Preston, please read on to learn more about how RTC can help.
The structural timbers within your property may be harbouring woodworm without you knowing it.
All woodworm eat timber in the larval stage of their lifecycle (between 3 -15 yrs, depending on species). They leave behind bore dust (frass) and when they emerge to mate and die as an adult beetle, they leave behind an exit hole (size and shape vary according to species). The tunnels they form within the timber weaken the timber, sometimes to a level where it can be structurally dangerous.
Holes on the surface of the timber are normally the first sign of an infestation and are formed when the adult beetle emerges from the timber. The most common type of woodworm is common furniture beetle. Adult beetles are very small approx. 3- 5mm long and brownish in colour with an almost cylindrical body.
It’s a common misunderstanding that woodworm only infest older properties. It can cause damage to newly constructed buildings, too.
Woodworm treatment
The main problems when treating woodworm is determining the species involved, deciding whether the infestation is still active and deciding which timbers have been structurally weakened and need replacing. All of these factors will influence the type of treatment carried out.
Our fully trained woodworm technicians in Preston will carry out the specialist work using only the safest professional insecticides.
These advanced chemicals are designed to be very safe to mammals (humans, pets etc.) but very effective against the insects causing the damage. In most cases, replacement of the timber is not necessary and, therefore, treatment is relatively inexpensive.

Before making a decision on treatments, RTC will assess the condition of the infested timber, the type, accessibility of the woodworm attack and the risks and hazards associated with any work that is to be recommended.
Whenever an active woodworm infestation is suspected, we recommend that you book a survey by one of our fully qualified RTC surveyors in Preston.
They will advise and recommend the correct approach of treatment, which will depend on the species attacking the timber.

For any queries on woodworm treatment, or to book a survey, please contact us.
Our staff will work closely with you from survey stage, right through to the successful completion of the contract.